figrcollage - a silkenmermaid software product
Mac / Windows PC


Install FigrCollage for Windows

Installation Instructions

1. If you haven’t already downloaded, first download FigrCollage for Windows by clicking “Free Download.”

2. Once the download has completed, you will have FigrCollageWindowsSetup.exe

3. Double click FigrCollageWindowsSetup.exe to start the installation.

4. You might be presented with a Windows dialog similar to the one shown below. Select Yes and proceed with the installation.

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5. As the installation progresses, you might be asked to uninstall the older versions of FigrCollage. 

6. If you haven’t yet purchased FigrCollage, it will run in limited trial mode. If you have already purchased it, here are instructions to activate your FigrCollage license.

You can uninstall FigrCollage at any time with a few mouse clicks.

FigrCollage is also available for Mac OS X.

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